Wednesday, November 3, 2010


In Structured Programing all the statements(code) are organized in a specific manner to minimize errors an misinterpretation. 

Best example is C; 

Flowcharting is a method of documenting (charting) the flow (or paths) that a program would execute. There are four main categories of control structures:
1. Sequence 2. Selection 3. iteration and 4. Branching  
1. Sequence : Simply do one instruction then the next and the next. Just do them in a given sequence or in order listed
2. Selection: This is where you choose one between 2 or more flows. 
3. Iteration: Also known as repetition. 
4. Branching:A control structure that allows the flow of execution to jump to a different part of the program

Structured programming discourage 4 control structure. 

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